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Latin America - Latin America: International firms

Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP

Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP is another global leader in FCPA and anticorruption investigations, with a number of senior practitioners that have a significant focus on Latin America. This was further augmented by the hire of Latin America specialist Bryan Parr as of counsel from Paul Hastings LLP in November 2022. The firm has an extensive record in Latin America white-collar and investigations matters, including due diligence related to M&A and other transactions. Moreover, it has an especially impressive background in FCPA monitorships pursuant to settlements with the SEC and DOJ. The practice is also noted for its prominence in investigations related to Operation Lava Jato in Brazil. Joseph Warin is chair of the litigation department and co-chair of the white-collar defence and investigations group; a leader in the field, he has a long track record in Latin America. Similarly highly rated, Los Angeles partner Michael Farhang is prominent in Latin-America-related internal investigations and M&A diligence, thanks to key roles in some of the biggest cases to have involved the region.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary

Key clients

  • Marsh McLennan
  • Chevron Corporation

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Work highlights

  • Engaged to represent Marsh McLennan in connection with a multi-jurisdiction investigation relating to 2014-2017 conduct at a Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group subsidiary.
  • Assisted Brown-Forman in compliance-related due diligence relating to its acquisition of assets in the distillery industry.

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