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Squire Patton Boggs’s Miami office is best known for cross-border litigation and arbitration. It represents a number of sovereigns and government-owned entities in cases seated in the US, and is also regularly engaged in Section 1782 cases. Notable sovereign clients include the Republic of Ecuador, Republic of Peru, Republic of Panama and Republic of Costa Rica, along with state entity EP Petroecuador. In the Costa Rican case, the group defended the State in a BIT arbitration brought by a Spanish investor alleging that the Costa Rican Ministry of Health’s inspections of its chicken farming facilities, and subsequent suspension of its activities due to infractions, forced the exit of Ibérico (the claimant’s company) from the Costa Rican market. Aside from sovereign work, the Miami office has also seen ongoing growth in energy and transportation-related cases. Digna French is chair of the litigation practice in Florida and co-chair of the Miami-Latin America task force; she and Raúl Mañón, who heads the international dispute resolution practice in Miami, are the key names to note.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘Unique legal expertise, exceptional client service, and commitment to collaboration.’
  • ‘In his work, Mr Manon and his team reflects strong legal expertise, excellent communication skills, strategic thinking, strong work ethic, and attention to detail.’
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Key clients

  • Republic of Peru
  • Republic of Costa Rica
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Work highlights

  • Defended the Republic of Costa Rica in a BIT arbitration brought by a Spanish investor alleging that the Costa Rican Ministry of Health conducted inspections of its chicken farm business, detected infractions and issued administrative orders that suspended activity, thereby causing the exit of Ibérico (the claimant’s company) from the Costa Rican market.
  • Represented the Republic of Peru in three ICSID arbitrations arising out of Peru’s alleged breaches of a concession agreement entered into with Metro de Lima Linea 2 (a Spanish-Italian-Korean consortium) for the construction of a 35km metro line in Lima, Peru.
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